Title: Automatically Optimizing Distributed Protocols
Speaker: David Chu (UC Berkeley)
Time: 2:30 pm, November 14 (Thursday), 2024
Location: 166 WVH


Distributed protocols like Paxos and PBFT often form the bottleneck of distributed systems and databases. To solve this, researchers have created a large suite of consensus and BFT variants, but this process is error-prone and many variants contain bugs. We present a new, orthogonal approach: Instead of creating new protocols from scratch, we introduce a set of correct-by-construction rewrites that can be used by a compiler to automatically optimize any distributed protocol.


David Chu is a PhD student at Berkeley advised by Natacha Crooks and Joe Hellerstein. He works across databases and distributed systems, using query optimization and database theory to optimize distributed systems, and using those optimized systems to push the state of the art in databases.